Mr.James Ndege. Librarian, TMDA Library
TMDA Library was established on 1st July 2003.
Currently, the Library is under the Communication and Public Education Unit. Click here for full organogram.
Basic functions of the library are to provide information and reference services to internal and external users on all matters of including initiating planning, procuring facilitating, organizing, issuing, storing and advising on all issues related to library resources and services.
It is also responsible for circulation of materials, readers, and reference services, resources and collection development.
The Library has about 4,000 publications mainly being reference books, periodicals and guidelines, 2,700 event photos, subscribed to four online databases namely British Pharmacopoeia, United States Pharmacopoeia, Sciencedirect – Elservier, and Research 4Life).
Access to online references is subject to the provision of User names and Passwords at the Library.
The Library is open for both internal & external customers during working days from 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM except weekends and public holidays. External customers are required to get visitor cards at the main gate and there after recorded in the Library Visitors’ Book.
The facility is playing a critical role in providing various services such as the evaluation and registration of products by providing pertinent scientific information for decision making before approving products. It also supports research works for internal and external users where as students from secondary schools and higher learning institutions have been consulting the Library for reference purposes. Since 2008, the library has recorded 2, 567 external users and 895 internal users.
In the financial year 2020/21, the Library is planning to automate its services using the KOHA Integrated Library Management System.