Human Resources and Administration Section Profile
Mr. Moses Bahati Magoma. Manager, Human Resources and Administration Section
The Human Resources and Administration Section is under the Directorate of Business Support. Click here for full organogram.
The section provides the following fuctions:
- Prepare Personal Emoluments annual estimates and administer salaries and payroll;
- Facilitate appointments, promotions and confirmation of TMDA Staff as Secretary to Recruitment Committee;
- To prepare and enforce Human Resource Policies and HRP;
- Interpret and enforce staff circulars, rules and regulations;
- Prepare staff training and development programs and coordinate performance appraisal;
- To ensure smooth running of the registry, messengerial and courier services;
- To facilitate employee retention, HR relations and welfare including occupational safety and health, sports and culture;
- To facilitate provision of security services, transport and general utilities; and
- Facilitate staff disciplinary procedures where he serves as Secretariat to Integrity Committee.