Information, Communication and Statistics Section Profile
Mr. Ambele Mwafula. Manager, Information Communication and Statistics Section
The Information and Communication Technology Section is under the Directorate of Business Support. Click here for full organogram.
The section provides a cross cutting function that address the connectivity (Wide Area Networks to Zone offices and other places), ICT equipment maintenance, maintenance of electronic systems including Regulatory Information management system and provision of technical support
ICT Service delivery at TMDA is guided by e-Government Act and regulations, manuals and international standards which include ITIL framework and WHO ICT guidelines. The ITIL framework guide on systematic approach to IT service management, helping institution to manage risk, strengthen customer relations, establish cost-effective practices, and build a stable IT environment that allows for growth, scale and change
The ICT section serves the following functions:
- To develop, monitor, evaluate and review implementation of e- Government initiatives;
- Develop, monitor, evaluate and review implementation of Best ICT Security Practices;
- Create awareness and build capacity on the use of ICT in the institutions and stakeholders;
- Provide technical advice and support on ICT matters at TMDA;
- Design, install, administer, maintain Regulatory Information Management System, Finance Management System, Human Resource Management System and other system;
- Develop and implement Business Continuity Plan and Recovery strategy TMDA system;
- Implement ICT Policy and e-Government Act 2019;
- Ensure that hardware and software are well maintained;
- Coordinate and provide support on procurement of software and hardware in the Office;
- Establish and coordinate use of electronic mail communications on LAN and WAN and;
- Carryout studies and propose areas of using ICT as an instrument to improve service delivery to the whole Office.